Medical Equipment Closet
Every piece we make available to the community comes directly from donors like you. Thank you for providing independence and maintaining the quality of life for our community’s most vulnerable citizens.
Donating Equipment
We welcome donations:
Based on space and need
Equipment is clean and in working order
Arrangements for offsite drop off are made by contacting 512-868-9544
A tax receipt is provided and may qualify for a tax-deductible donation.
PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to accept prescription medications, consumable equipment (such as nutritional supplements, colostomy bags), hospital beds, power scooters, or medical equipment that can only be distributed via prescription (such as oxygen concentrators). There are other equipment items that we are not able to receive due to cleanliness, repairs needed, or space limitations.
We reserve the right to refuse any unsanitary or non-working equipment.
Questions? Call 512-868-9544